If you are looking to contact us, our contact page is here. If you wish to learn more about S.P.Taylor in the community please see here. For more information on S.P Taylor as a business, and more importantly as your business please see below.

S.P Taylor is a family run business created in 2001, since then we have become a successful and professional plumbing business, even to this day we continue to expand. Our work has earned us a reputation in the region where we have been repeatedly voted for by the local community in the BestOf awards. This local reputation is something we always strive to protect. We believe that community is of the utmost importance as a result we have carried out several community work installations.

As a business we aim to provide complete and total transparency in all of our work, that includes our surveys, our quotes and our work. We will always keep you in the loop so never hesitate to ask questions. We have a price list on site to give you a rough idea of how much the work will cost. Not only that, we will also provide a free quote so you know exactly how much it’s going to cost. Naturally we also hold ourselves to a high standard of quality work, all of our work comes with at least a 12-month guarantee. If you are more interested in how we go about individual aspects of our work please see our procedures, for a gallery of our past work please see [link]here[link]. The individual sections of the site also explain in greater detail the proceedures specific to the installation.

If you require any more information please contact us.